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The primary mission of the ACFE is to reduce the incidence of fraud and white-collar crime and to assist its membership with detection and deterrence.


President - Phyllis Pickett, CFE 

Vice President - Kelsey Earl, CFE 

Treasurer - Scott Udulutch, CFE  

Secretary - Heather Murray, CFE, CGFM

Past President - Micheal Baer, CFE, CIA

President Emeritus - Dennis Dycus, CFE, CPA, CGFM


Melinda Grossl, CFE, CCII

Jessica Hannah, CPA, CFE

Monica Meeks,  MSCJ, CFE

Lauren Wesley, CFE

Chapter History

On February 10, 1992, Carl M. Hill met with nine other Certified Fraud Examiners to discuss the formation of the Middle Tennessee Chapter. Those signing the petition to form the local chapter were Carl M. Hill; Michael W. Hill; David L. Thom; Robert A. Ward; Dennis F. Dycus; Sandra J. Glover; Robert T.Bumbalough; James C. Wilson, Jr.; William W. Smith; and Harold D. Wilson.

On March 3, 1992, the Board of Regents approved the application to form the 27th Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Since that time, the Middle Tennessee chapter has grown to more than 150 members and has awarded more than $30,000 in scholarships to area college students and chapter Associate Members preparing to take the Uniform CFE examination. The chapter has also donated $10,000 to Middle Tennessee Habitat for Humanity Chapters. The ACFE named the chapter 2004 Chapter of the Year at the 15th annual conference in Las Vegas in recognition of the members’ wide range of professional activities and extensive community involvement.

Today, the Middle Tennessee Chapter is home to nationally-recognized fraud speakers and educators as well as leading anti-fraud professionals.

The Middle Tennessee Chapter was featured in the March/April 2001 issue of The White Paper (an ACFE Publication that preceded its current offering, FraudMagazine). In the words of Past Chapter President, Frederick L. Pasteur, "If you are serious about deterring fraud in your organization, you are surely aware that interaction with other professionals will assist you in developing the resources to succeed." From humble beginnings in the spring of 1992 to unlimited vision at the dawn of the 21st Century and international recognition during the first decade of the new century, the Middle Tennessee Chapter continues to promote standards of excellence in the field of white-collar crime prevention, deterrence, detection, and investigation.  

Download Chapter History Presentation from 2010 Fraud Conference

ACFE Awards to and Office Held by Middle Tennessee Chapter Members

In addition to being awarded the 2004 & 2018 Chapter of the Year, the Middle Tennessee Chapter was recognized for its Outstanding Newsletter at the 2011 ACFE Conference. The ACFE has also recognized several Middle Tennessee Chapter members.

Dennis F. Dycus:

·2001 Association Regent

·Association Fellow

·2004 Outstanding CFE in Government

·2005-2009 Not-for-Profit ACFE Foundation Board of Directors

·2010 Baker Award. The James R. Baker Speaker of the Year Award is presented annually to honor an individual who has demonstrated the true spirit of leadership in communication, presentation and quality instruction.

Philip Job

·2000 Walker Award Runner Up. The Walker Award is named for Morris R. "Red" Walker, CFE (1938-1989), a Charter Member of the Association and nationally-recognized fraud examiner. Established in 1989, the Walker Award is given to the person receiving the highest annual score on the Uniform CFE Examination.

Michael Mayhan

·2008 Certified Fraud Examiner of the Year

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